Tuesday, December 07, 2004

How this page is made

Blogger: Create your Blog Now -- FREE

I especially like the "-- FREE" part!

In case you haven't already figured it out, I use blogger to host my blog. For those of you not-in-the-know, a 'blog' is a slang term for weblog. It's all the rage these days!

To help make posting easier, I also use the Mozilla Firefox extension JustBlogIt! which helps in posting a blog entry from any of the many webpages that I visit.

For posting pictures to my blog, I also use hello, a program from Picasa. The following is taken from their website, and I think describes hello much better than I can.
"Hello enables users to instantly share images securely over a peer-to-peer network and chat about them. The new Hello “BloggerBot” enables Hello users to post photos and captions to their Blogger blogs. The BloggerBot resizes the photo, uploads and publishes it to the web in seconds."

Once again, all of this is available free! Feel free to post comments on this (or any other) entry in my blog. If you need help, I will try my best to do that, but just remember, I am as much of an idiot as you are. Haveaniceday.